Farmland Management
Managing farmland is very different for managing portfolios of stocks and bonds.
Every farm is different. Fields that comprise the farm are all different. The soils across a given field often vary with topography. Sometimes significantly.
Government programs are complex and ever changing. Understanding these programs and working with them can be an important component to the economics success of the farm, and it can an overwhelming task.
Family ownership groups are all different. As are the members within the groups. Managing the farm in a way that takes into account and balances sometimes divergent goals, can be complex. Some family members may enjoy hunting on the land, others are interested in soil health and sustainably practices, some may want to farm the land, and for others, it may simply be an economic asset from which they would like to maximize cash flow.
Managing farm is not something that can be done from behind a computer screen in a far-away place. It is a hands-on activity. You need to walk on the land. Get to know the farmer operating the land. Understand the needs and goals of the family stakeholders. Have a working knowledge of the government programs. There is also technical agronomic data, soil maps, soil test results, soil heath indices, etc.
At Capitaline, we get to know your land and we get to know your family. We learn about your goals. We utilize structure and discipline, and leverage our experience, to help you achieve them.